Pastoral Council
St. Jude Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the Pastor providing a forum for the exchange of ideas necessary for the well-functioning of the parish. This Council is an instrument of common counsel to the Pastor for defining parish goals, determining parish policies and executing programs pertaining to the spiritual and temporal affairs of the parish. Meetings are held quarterly (the first Tuesday of August, November, February, May) open to all parishioners with Council Members and Ex-officio staff expected to attend.
Finance Council
St. Jude Parish Finance Council is a consultative body to the Pastor in accord with Church Canon Law #532. Authentic Christian stewardship of the goods entrusted to the parish guide the decisions and actions of the Council enabling the Pastor to best carry out the mission of the Church in the parish, the diocese and beyond.
St Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Jude Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is affiliated with both the National and International Society of St. Vincent de Paul dedicated to the sanctification of its members through service to those in need. Prior to the pandemic, we were open on Sunday morning for intake and the afternoon for home visits. During the pandemic, we do the same by phone, inspired by St. Vincent de Paul’s words: “Love is inventive to infinity.”
Kateri Circle
Seeking to emulate the life of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, parishioners are welcomed to join the St. Jude Tuba City Circle which exists under the auspices of the Tekakwitha Conference, the international Catholic organization which promotes lay ministry within the Native American Catholic community. Membership is open to Native Americans and parishioners of other cultures, encouraging lay leadership at the parish and diocesan level.