Catholic Book Club
A group of parishioners meet several evenings each quarter to discuss a book or Faith Topic they choose. Members prefer participating in 'sharing' rather than a study group mode as a means of deepening their Faith and learning also from the insights of others.
Liturgical Ministry
Parishioners participate in Eucharistic Liturgies in a unique way by preparing and proclaiming the appropriate Scripture Readings. Lectors are trained to communicate clearly and effectively while growing in their love of God’s Word.
Music Ministry
Through participation in our Sunday Choir and playing a musical instrument, our parishioners involved in music ministry enrich our parish communal prayer life.
Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at our parish Masses by distributing Holy Communion to the faithful.
Our younger parish members, both girls and boys who have made their First Communion, are invited to assist at Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy as Altar Servers. Trained in a number of responsibilities performed at each Mass, our Servers are called upon every Sunday to assist at our common worship.
Faith Formation/Sacraments
Religious Education/Sunday Youth Classes (Family Faith Program)