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June 12, 2023
Dear Friends,
Everytime I think of you, I thank God for you. You were supportive, challenging and delightful! Keep on being Christ to others! Your faith has enabled you to be the cornerstone of ST. Jude's.
I will never forget my time with you for it was a blessing! Be assured of my prayers, and love as you grow and journey together with God as your leader and guide. Special prayers too for your new pastor, all the way from Africa.
Sister Mary Rogers, DC
June 16, 2023
Dear Friends,
My heart is filled with gratitude to God for the wonderful blessing to be with you and journey with you since November of 2022. I thank you for your love, friendship and your example of generous service to Christ and to others. You have a very special place in my heart.
May God's abundant blessings be with you always and your loving ministries to others. United with you in prayers and in the Eucharist,
With love, gratitude and prayers,
Sr. Trang Truong, DC
June 16, 2023
Dear Friends,
My heart is filled with gratitude to God for the wonderful blessing to be with you and journey with you since November of 2022. I thank you for your love, friendship and your example of generous service to Christ and to others. You have a very special place in my heart.
May God's abundant blessings be with you always and your loving ministries to others. United with you in prayers and in the Eucharist,
With love, gratitude and prayers,
Sr. Trang Truong, DC
June 20, 2023
Dear St. Jude parishioners and community members of Tuba City,
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to know you and to serve you. It gave me a better understanding of the life and culture of the Navajo and Hopi people. I have learned so much from you. You will always be a part of who I am as a person and as a Daughter of Charity. My experience of living on the Navajo Reservation has helped me to better serve other tribes and other indigenous communities. I hope that the presence of the Sisters in your midst helped each one of you in some way. May that be by getting involved in the parish life or attending to the physical, spiritual, and material needs of your neighbors. I pray and hope that you will continue to do this because ultimately, as baptized Christians, we are all called by God to love and serve one another as He did.
Let me close with a quote from Helen Keller. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us”.
So “Thank you” and let us continue to remember the good times and the hard times we all have experienced as pilgrims on the journey.
Sister Frances Vista
Daughter of Charity
June 22, 2023
Dear St. Jude Friends,
Farewells bring new beginnings. A heartfelt thanks to all the Daughters who have made a lasting impression on St. Jude parish. Their dedication and perseverance has been an example to all of us. I know that you, the parishioners of St Jude, will continue your commitment to serving your neighbors, especially those that may be struggling through difficult times.
During my 42 years on the Navajo reservation, 22 in Tuba City, I learned so much from the Navajo people. As part of St. Jude parish, I grew stronger in my faith because of you. I made lasting friendships that I still treasure today. Continue to help St. Jude grow and thrive making a strong church for your children and grandchildren. My heart will always remain with the native people.
Karen Hockins
June 23, 2023
Dear Everybody,
Many blessings to you as I recall my thirteen wonderful years from 1998 to 2011 at St. Jude's. In the beginning I was serving in the Food Bank and the Soup Kitchen. Then the most challenging for me was organizing the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The most memorable was the Jail Ministry where I was able to bring in volunteers for AA, share spiritually with the inmates, and sing in Navajo with them. Home visiting in Tuba City and Moenkopi brought me even closer to the people. I always felt welcome. Wish I could be there still. Thank You!
Love and Prayers,
Sister Elizabeth Racko
Teresa Tsosie, our Director of Religious Education and Parish Communications Manager, spoke as a Keynote Speaker along with Most Rev. Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, and Most Rev. José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles (HA), President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, at the Welcome and Opening Session at the JOURNEYING TOGETHER: “Alive in Christ”-”Young, Diverse, Prophetic Voice Journeying Together” on June 23, 2022. JOURNEYING TOGETHER was a National Catholic Intercultural Encounter for Ministries with Youth and Young Adults that took place on June 23-26, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois.