About Us
Mission Statement
Rooted in Christ and our Catholic Tradition, we:
> strengthen one another through
the Word and Eucharist
shared prayer
ongoing education of our children & families,
> share ourselves & our gifts by
welcoming others
offering witness to the Gospel through service to the larger Tuba City community!
St. Jude, pray for us!
St. Kateri, walk with us!
St Jude Parish
The present day St. Jude Church in Tuba City, Arizona was built in 1961. Offering witness to the Gospel through service to the larger Tuba City community pastored by Father Faustinus Ibebuike.
Parish Staff
Pastor: Fr. Faustinus Ibebuike;
Secretary: Leonard Begay
Maintenance: Levi Delongon
Diocese of Gallup
St Jude Parish belongs to the Diocese of Gallup. Founded in 1939, the Diocese of Gallup covers over 55,000 square miles in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. Bishop: The Most Rev. James S. Wall is the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Gallup.Diocese website: http://www.dioceseofgallup.org
Parish History
The history of St. Jude Parish of the Gallup Diocese begins much earlier than 1924...
Vincentian Charism or the Vincentian Way
...is a spirituality of mutual sharing with those living in poverty, named for St. Vincent de Paul.
Finance Council
St. Jude Parish Finance Council is a consultative body to the Pastor in accord with Church Canon Law #532. Authentic Christian stewardship of the goods entrusted to the parish guide the decisions and actions of the Council enabling the Pastor to best carry out the mission of the Church in the parish, the diocese and beyond.