Good day my good people of St. Jude Parishioners:
May the grace and peace of Our Lord be ever with us!
The Daughters of Charity of the Province of St. Louise and the Province of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton have engaged extensively in ongoing discernment and assessments over the past several years concerning the presence of the Sisters at their interprovincial mission opened in 1996 in Tuba City, AZ, where various Daughters from both US provinces have generously served. It is with great sadness, both provinces share with us of their plan to withdraw the Daughters from Tuba City in June 2023. The Daughters are working to enable the ministry of the St. Jude Food Bank to continue beyond June. Syro Whiterock has been named as Executive Director. St. Mary’s Foodbank in Phoenix, a longtime collaborator with the Food Bank, will be assisting with the funding needed to maintain the operations of the St. Jude Food. The Sisters will leave with sadness but also with hope and prayers of the blessing and gratitude for the people of Tuba City they have been privileged to collaborate and serve.
Fr. Faustinus
On behalf of the Catholic Faithful of St. Jude Parish Tuba City and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Mission Kayenta, I wish to express our thanks and gratitude to Father Jay Jung C.M. for his dedicated ten years of service to our parishes: Tuba City and Kayenta.
I thank Father Jay in a special way for assisting me in settling down and making things easier for me to take over the pastoral work and management of the parishes as their new pastor. Our parish communities and that of Tuba City and Kayenta at large will continue to reap the fruits of your pastoral work here. May God reward you abundantly.
We pray that God will lead you safely to your new place of assignment at St. Vincent DePaul Parish, Perryville, Missouri. May he grant you more grace and give you the health of mind and body as you continue to work in his vineyard. We assure you of our prayers and ask you to continue to pray for us. We commend you into the maternal care of our Mother Mary. Remain Blessed.
Father Faustinus Ibebuike
I wish to thank Sister Catherine on behalf of St. Jude Parish Tuba City for her love and care towards our parishioners who are elderly and or shut-ins and for assisting in carrying our varied tasks for the smooth running of our parish.
May God Bless and reward you abundantly. As you will be leaving us soon, we pray that God will lead you safely to your new community and grant you good health of mind and body.
Be assured of prayers for you as we ask your prayers for us. Remained Blessed!
Father Faustinus Ibebuike
Father Jay Jung, C.M., welcomed Father Faustinus Ibebuike on September 18, 2022.
Prayer to St. Vincent de Paul in
Our Time of the Pandemic
O Saint Vincent de Paul, our father and model,
throughout your life you wished to imitate Jesus,
the missionary and servant of your people.
In your time, you confronted the plague,
the illness of the people, Intercede now with the Holy Trinity
on behalf of all the nations on earth visited by this modern scourge.
Help the bodies and and hearts of all victims.
Strengthen caregivers, be close to all our neighbors, and enlighten researchers looking for cures to our woes.
Walk with those approaching death these coming days,
and care for their families and friends. Amen.