Contact Us
Mailing Address:
St. Jude Catholic Parish Office
P.O. Box 248
Tuba City, Arizona 86045
Parish Office Hours
M-TH 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Email: stjudetubacity.org@gmail.com
(928) 283-5391
Pastor: Rev. Faustinus Akodire Ibebuike
Email: frakukaria@gmail.com
(928) 283-5391
Secretary: Leonard Begay
Email: stjudetubacity.org@gmail.com
(928) 283-5391
Use of Gym:
Part of the physical plant of St. Jude Parish is a gymnasium. This building exists to provide space for activities and events sponsored by, planned and supervised by members of St. Jude Parish. It is neither a sports facility nor a public social facility. We do not rent the gym for personal use.
The cost of maintenance and insurance of the building for such usage far exceeds the financial resources of our parish.
We do consider use of the gym by recognized community organizations for educational or other activities that benefit the local Tuba City Community. The sponsoring organization must agree to assume responsibility for the maintenance of the building during their use and to provide liability insurance coverage for the facility during their use of it.
Inquiries: Contact Leonard Begay -
Service Projects:
Many youth groups and adult groups have assisted St. Jude Catholic Parish and surrounding Native American communities with valuable service projects.
If you are interested please contact Leonard Begay - (928) 283-5391.